Employee Workday Help

Life Event: Change in Dependent Care

Last updated Monday, September 20, 2021

Disclaimer: If the information on this page conflicts in any way with HCA documentation, the HCA documentation governs.

This Life Event is when any of the following scenarios take place:

  • Your dependent care provider imposes a change in the cost of dependent care, provided the dependent care provider is not a relative as defined in Section 152 (a)(1) through (8), incorporating the rules of Section 152 (b)(1) and (2) of the US Internal Revenue Code.
  • You change your dependent care provider, provided the dependent care provider is not a qualifying relative of the employee as defined in Internal Revenue Code Section 152.
  • You or your spouse/partner experience a change in the number of qualifying individuals as defined in the US Internal Revenue Code Section 21 (b)(1).

Changes You Can Make and How To Make Them

Within 60 days of this Life Event taking place, you can enroll in DCAP or change your DCAP contribution amounts.

To do so:

1. Gather/scan documentation that serves as proof of the life event. Open the Supporting Documentation menu below and refer to the table for guidance.

For this scenario… You need to provide this supporting documentation:
The cost of your dependent care has changed due a change in cost imposed by your dependent care provider
  • A letter from the dependent care provider confirming the change in premium (cost of care) and the current date and the effective date of change.
  • Two billing statements that show the change in premium due. Statements must include the premium amount due for each month, and the statement date.

If dis-enrolling your child altogether:
Provide a letter from your daycare provider showing the dis-enrollment of your dependent having taken place within the previous 60 days.

If decreasing your DCAP contribution amount:
Provide a copy or screenshot of the letter or email from the school/school district or daycare provider as proof of cancelled or reduced coverage.

You have changed dependent care providers (and your cost has increased or decreased)
  • A letter from both the current and new daycare providers stating the premium amount for qualifying individuals and the due date.
  • A billing statement from both the current and new daycare providers stating the premium amount for qualifying individuals and the statement date.
You had a change in your number of DCAP-qualifying dependents
  • A letter from the dependent care provider confirming the number of qualifying individuals enrolled in services, the change in premium, and the effective date of change.
  • Two billing statements that include the number of qualifying individuals enrolled in each month, the premium amount due for each month, and the statement date.

2. Follow the instructions in the FSA and/or DCAP – Enroll/Change Contribution Amount(s) User Guide to change your per-paycheck contribution amount via Workday. During that process, you’ll upload the documentation you prepared in step 1.

Effective Date
Your changes take effect on the 1st of the upcoming month; if the day you submitted your request in Workday is the 1st of the month, your enrollment takes effect that day. Paycheck deductions will be reflected in your first paycheck of that month.